• Isleanders | Award-winning Scottish Sitcom Pilot

Isleanders | Award-winning Scottish Sitcom Pilot


Best friends Aran and Lewis land a big job during the otherwise quiet low season on a remote Scottish island. Tasked with emptying a creepy farmhouse after the death of its owner, they soon face unexpected twists with the sudden return of Aran's sister, Maisie.

Isleanders is an award-winning BBC Scotland produced sitcom pilot that has garnered praise from The Herald and won the NYC Stareable Award for Best in Writing.

Written and Directed by: Alessio Avezzano
Starring: Matthew McGill, Jamie MacColl, Rachel Flynn, and John McQuiston
Produced by: Mark Bignell for BBC Studios

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Sitcom #Comedy #PilotEpisode #BBCScotland #ScottishIsland #AwardWinning #FamilyComedy #isleanders